Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
War Is in Progress. Prepare Yourselves in Your Homes, Abandon Everything Else
Message from the Blessed Virgin to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on June 19, 2024

Most Holy Mary.
Heaven is here with you, My children, coming to fortify and console you. It comes to bring you the Truth.
This corrupt world is now at an end, the battles are incessant. God's traitors have gathered.They are promising the end of this planet. They want to destroy Humanity and the very planet on which they dwell. They have no regard even for themselves; they are out of their minds. Satan has entered them and possesses them. They do senseless things, things that a human being, a child of God, would never even dare to think of.
Oh, My children, I am here with you, I am your Heavenly Mother, I embrace you at My breast, I cover you with My love and sustain you in this final battle. I Myself lead you, taking you by the hand, teaching you the way that leads to glory in God. There is little time left, the games are played, the traitors have already decided the day, but they have not reckoned with their God.
God the Father is the One who manages history, He is the One who allows up to a certain point, then intervenes to say His enough is enough.
Pray, My children, unceasingly, pray that the madness of man may come to an end. Let all men repent, return to their Creator God, renounce Satan, give this Humanity a chance to understand that what they did was only a blunder of the enemy, a mistake, an error that brought horrors in the fratricidal war.
I place My Immaculate Heart on your heart, My children, I want to make you vibrate with God's Love. God has granted Me this, I have now been given the mandate to follow you and to bring you to Him, victorious in Him, because God the Father's plan in Me is victorious in Him.
Work, My children, work and pray. Stand together, share everything. Make this work grow in God's Love.
The miser, the treacherous man, the man who denies God will now enter the great Tribulation, while God's children will be placed in a safe place where God will keep them in Himself, where nothing will be lacking to them.
Pray, My children, fast from the things of the world, fast from everything the world shows you. Listen only to Heavenly appeals and shut off the television, do not listen to radio, do not listen to the media, for it is all falsehood to divert you from salvation.
Satan now possesses everything of this world, he has always possessed it, but now he has managed to possess even the children of God, those who have been dazzled by him, his "greatness" and his falsehoods. They have fallen into his deadly trap. Oh, they are children without escape!
My children, what pain! What sorrow! I weep My tears of blood for your loss! I weep! First you were God's children, then you denied God, denied Him in your heart, gave yourselves totally to His enemy, and His enemy will take you with Him.
The war is on, My children. Prepare yourselves! Prepare yourselves in your homes, abandon everything else. Think only of prayer and the indispensable things to live for in this little time that now remains. Be the blessed of the Lord! In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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